... What our Outcome May be

Some people you can't get over.
Some you're born to endure.
And some people you can't say no to.
Some people live their lives,
while Some people bide their time.
Some just sit here writting, not knowing. Just not knowing.
I can't believe I didn't have a link for you on my sidebar!
I almost forgot all about your blog!
I've missed too much, I don't think I can go on any longer.
With y'know, life.
Wow lyser. This poem is so simple, AND SO FUCKING GOOD. I like your simple words. Dawn would be proud:)
p.s. i miss you and that photo is beautiful.
I love you both.
Matthew, we need do breakfast....
we need to DO breakfast.
Dawn wouldn't like that one, Niki :p.
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